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Prime Refrigerant R32 (HFC) 9kg

Product code: 2800071

Prime Prime Refrigerant

R32 is a single component HFC refrigerant (1,1 - Difluoromethane) commonly used for stationary domestic air conditioning. It is non-toxic but flammable being an A2L classification.

HFC's are a type of synthetic greenhouse gas (SGG) having global warming potential. To reduce emissions of these gases globally a HFC phase-down under the Montreal Protocol was agreed in Kigali, Rwanda, in October 2016. Commencing in 2018, the Australian phase down will conclude in 2036 reaching an 85% reduction target.

R32 has a low GWP so the immediate demand for a retrofit HFC/HFO blend is low. Longer term the use of HFO A2L refrigerants such as R1234yf and 1234ze are likely to replace R32 in new equipment.

Note: GWP calculated on the Australian Government calculator for the Import Levy and Equivalent Price for SGGs and SGG/HCFC blends (Version 1.1, 24 August 2012)

ODP = 0
GWP = 675 (AR4)
Oil = polyolester (POE)

Prime Refrigerant R32 (HFC)
Prime Refrigerant R32 (HFC)